
Alilia was a Twi'lek female of the Lethan variety. During the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire that had resurfaced, she was enslaved to Shai Tenna, the leader of the White Maw.


In 3649 BBY, Alilia became both a slave and the wife of Shai Tenna, the Weequay boss of the White Maw. For a period of seven years, she maintained the pretense of being a simple-minded woman deeply in love with her master. Despite Tenna's satisfaction with this facade, Alilia harbored intense hatred for him. Furthermore, she secretly performed much of the work he took credit for, including gathering supplies from designated locations and actively participating in the management of the pirate organization. When the White Maw discovered Trick, a young male Kitonak possessing a faint connection to the Force, they learned that fear could trigger his ability to mask not only himself but also the entire fleet nearby. In an attempt to force his cooperation, they inflicted severe head trauma, resulting in permanent brain damage. Alilia provided Trick with the best care she could, but his mental faculties never recovered. As he couldn't consciously control his Force abilities, the pirates subjected the child to constant torture to maintain a perpetual state of fear, a practice Alilia found abhorrent but was powerless to prevent.

In 3642 BBY, Alilia accompanied the rest of the White Maw to Hoth when a smuggler, who would later become known as Voidhound, approached the gang. After he survived an assassination attempt by Shai Tenna, Alilia began to see the newcomer as a potential avenue for escaping her predicament. Aboard the Star of Coruscant, she detailed Trick's situation and pleaded with the smuggler for assistance.

Following Shai Tenna's death at the hands of the Voidhound, Alilia consented to sending Trick to the Jedi Order in the hope that they could heal him and he could become a Jedi.

Behind the scenes

The player has alternative choices: seizing control of the White Maw crew and persuading Alilia to continue exploiting Trick's power, or urging her to assume leadership of the gang herself, while outlawing any future maltreatment of the Kitonak. A male smuggler character can engage in flirtatious behavior with Alilia.

Should the player convince her to persist in using Trick, Alilia will later transmit a communication informing them of a successful assault on tibanna mining vessels operating near Bespin. She mentions considering targeting luxury liners in the future, and asserts that Trick is enjoying himself.

