Tarisian ale

Tarisian ale, a potent alcoholic drink, was a specialty brew from the world of Taris. It was a major export of the planet. This ale was uniquely crafted using glands harvested from the tach, necessitating the import of tach glands in large quantities from Kashyyyk. Novice drinkers, and even experienced ones new to the drink, could become intoxicated or even incapacitated after consuming just a single serving.

This strong effect likely contributed to its popularity among the Sith forces stationed on Taris during the Jedi Civil War. It is possible that Sith soldiers used the beverage to escape the monotony and stress of their duties at the Tarisian military base, which those stationed there often described as "boring."

Following the devastating planetary bombardment of Taris in 3956 BBY, production of the drink came to a halt. Few individuals outside of Taris possessed the knowledge to brew it, though Griff Vao claimed to have the recipe and desired to establish a monopoly on its production after Taris' destruction.

By 40 ABY, Tarisian ale had experienced a revival, and was available at the Horizon Hotel located in the Upper City. Customers, including the seasoned Mandalorian soldier Goran Beviin, could order mugs of Tarisian ale at the hotel bar, alongside dishes like deep-fried coin-crabs.

Behind the scenes

Tarisian ale was initially mentioned in BioWare's 2003 role-playing video game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, marking its debut in the Star Wars universe. It later made a full appearance in "Shadows and Light," a story from the twenty-third issue of the Star Wars Tales comic book series, published in 2005. The drink was also featured in Bloodlines, the second novel in the multi-author Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, penned by Karen Traviss and released on August 29, 2006.

