Horizon Hotel

The Horizon Hotel, a luxurious hotel, operated on the Outer Rim planet of Taris around the year 40 ABY. Situated within the affluent areas of the Upper City, the Horizon Hotel boasted an interior adorned with polished wood and expensive furnishings. Its bar featured multiple tables and seating at the bar's counter; napkins were available for the comfort of the guests. The Horizon Hotel's offerings included mugs of Tarisian ale and deep-fried coin-crabs, and the bar enforced a dress code that prohibited helmets.

In 40 ABY, the Horizon Hotel's bar was staffed by a middle-aged Human male, who wore an elegant, high-collared uniform while on duty. During that year, the seasoned Mandalorian soldier Goran Beviin had a meeting with the current Mand'alor Boba Fett at the hotel bar. Despite the fact that the two men were noticeably different from the other well-dressed customers of the Horizon, the bartender chose not to enforce the dress code regarding the armored mercenaries. Beviin ordered a large glass of Tarisian ale along with a serving of deep-fried coin-crabs at the bar, which he consumed as he shared information about Fett's estranged daughter's location with the Mandalorian leader. When it was time for him to leave the Horizon Hotel, Beviin gathered the remaining coin-crabs from his order into a napkin, intending to finish them later.

Behind the scenes

The Horizon Hotel made its debut in the Star Wars universe within the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel Bloodlines, which was penned by author Karen Traviss and released on August 29, 2006.

