Coral (Human)

Coral was a Human female who existed throughout the era of the Cold War. A product of the Republic Strategic Information Service's Project 32 during the Great Galactic War, Coral was one of a dozen individuals who were nearly identical - either clones or very closely related. These individuals were equipped with advanced facial implants, granting them immediate access to the HoloNet.

In 3642 BBY, during the time of the Galactic War, Coral became a rogue operative and began to hunt down and eliminate all those associated with Project 32. SIS operatives Carteri and Izak, aided by two other subjects of Project 32, commenced a pursuit to capture Coral. At one juncture, Coral was contacted by Mako, another Project 32 subject who had no recollection of the project itself and thought Coral was her sibling. Coral exploited this situation to mislead Izak, arranging for Mako to meet him on Dromund Kaas in her place, in an attempt to evade capture. Izak eventually located Coral at the Gudnem's Gadget Emporium located on Nar Shaddaa; however, Mako arrived beforehand and confronted Coral. Coral asserted that Mako was not genuine, dismissing her as a "cheap copy." Shortly thereafter, Izak and his team arrived and apprehended Coral.

Behind the scenes

Coral makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of Mako's companion narrative.

