Izak, a Human operative within the Republic Strategic Information Service, was a male during the Galactic War period. His mission involved tracking down Coral, a renegade criminal who had previously been a subject of Project 32, and was now systematically eliminating all individuals connected to the Project. On Dromund Kaas, Izak, along with two other Project 32 subjects, were on the verge of capturing Coral. However, Izak's tardiness allowed Coral to deceive their estranged relative, Mako, into attending the meeting in her place, leading to the tragic demise of both women, leaving Coral and Mako as the Project's sole remaining survivors. Eventually, Mako established direct contact with Izak, who informed her that the SIS had located Coral at the Gudnem's Gadget Emporium on Nar Shaddaa. He cautioned her against interfering. Mako and her ally disregarded the warning and confronted Coral, who derisively referred to Mako as a "cheap copy." Shortly thereafter, Izak and his team arrived and apprehended Coral. Izak assured Mako that he would contact her later to provide a full explanation, but he never followed through.