Gudnem's Gadget Emporium, situated on the Promenade's first level of Nar Shaddaa, functioned as a retail establishment during the Cold War. This period was marked by conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. As the Cold War neared its conclusion, the shop secretly operated as a front; it was a safe house for the Republic Strategic Information Service, where Agent Rieekan oversaw the SIS's local activities.
The shop experienced an assault by Mark II Power Guards under the command of Sadic, a Sith Lord and apprentice. These Power Guards proceeded to kill all employees and customers within the store as they made their way to the hidden turbolift that provided access to the SIS base. A Jedi Knight of [unknown] identity, who was working to dismantle the Power Guard Project and save SIS Agent Galen, later arrived at the shop. The Jedi Knight eliminated the Power Guards still present and liberated the remaining agents from the safe house located below.
The creation of Gudnem's Gadget Emporium was for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. BioWare launched the game on December 20, 2011. The shop is featured in the Jedi Knight class story, specifically in the missions called "The Search for Agent Galen" and "Striking Back." In these missions, it serves as an entrance area to the SIS safe house, reachable via a turbolift at the store's back. Furthermore, it is part of Mako's companion story arc as a Bounty Hunter phase.