Carratos, a world situated in the Inner Rim, was a planet located approximately forty parsecs away from Coruscant.
The inhabitants of Carratos addressed their waste management issues during the Galactic War by offloading their refuse onto one of the planet's moons.
Extensively developed with urban areas, Carratos, a planet, served as a sanctuary selected by the Fallanassi for several of their youngest trainees, who were facing persecution on Lucazec. Akanah was dispatched to a school located in the Chofin settlement. Around the same period, Carratos fell under the control of the Galactic Empire circa 10 BBY. The Empire established a significant military presence and restricted the movement of its inhabitants through exorbitant departure taxes. Following the Empire's downfall and the subsequent withdrawal of the garrison, Carratos descended into lawlessness and became a haven for numerous pirates.
During the galactic invasion executed by the Yuuzhan Vong, this planet was seized by them.