The Envoy functioned as a transport vessel for the Galactic Republic during the era of the Great Galactic War, which involved conflict with the reconstituted Sith Empire.

On the very same day that the Sacking of Coruscant occurred, the Envoy was used to ferry Republic ambassadors to Alderaan. Their purpose was to engage in discussions regarding a potential treaty with representatives of the Sith Empire. Senator Paran Am-Ris headed the Republic delegation, while Lord Baras was in charge of the Imperial delegates.
Shortly after this assignment, and once Senator Am-Ris had returned to Coruscant, the Envoy was caught in an ambush. A Sith warship, helmed by Captain Sivill, attacked the vessel, leading to its destruction and the capture of Jedi Master Dar'Nala. Only Jedi Knight Satele Shan and the Imperial droid SP-99 were able to get away using an escape pod.
Later on, Master Dar'Nala orchestrated the release of Braden, a bounty hunter who was also being held captive. Her goal was for him to inform Master Zym on Coruscant about the attack. After Braden successfully contacted Zym, he was compelled to fight and kill the Jedi Master when Zym attempted to apprehend him for the death of a Republic officer, Gin Lesl, which was Braden's retaliation for a previous disagreement.