SP-99, a protocol droid, served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the era of the Great Galactic War.
Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant by the Republic under duress from the Sith, Jedi Master Dar'Nala and Jedi Knight Satele Shan received orders to supervise the withdrawal of Republic forces from territories in the Outer Rim Territories that were ceded to the Empire as part of the treaty terms. SP-99's assignment was to observe the activities of the Republic and Jedi, ensuring they strictly adhered to the treaty's stipulations.
While Master Dar'Nala and Jedi Shan were inside their cabin, discussing their discontent with both their current assignment and the treaty itself, SP-99 stood just outside. Sensing the droid's presence, Dar'Nala threatened to use her lightsaber to destroy his memory core. SP-99 then pointed out that such an action would constitute a violation of the treaty. After Dar'Nala angrily departed, Shan reassured the droid that the issue was not with him, but rather with his superiors.
As their transport traversed the Kuat sector within the Core Worlds, a Sith warship launched an attack. After Satele eliminated two Imperial commandos, he reminded her that the act was in violation of the treaty. She then sarcastically complimented his power of observation. After Dar'Nala told Satele to flee after she was captured and to warn the Republic of the Sith's treachery, the pair made their way to an escape pod.

She then told him that he could stay there with "His friends." He refused saying "That is not my assignment." Once aboard the escape pod, Satele expressed her intention to rescue her master. He responded that this was improbable, estimating it would take approximately 500,000 years to locate the escape pod within that sector. Satele then retorted sarcastically that it would be a lesson in patience.
A Republic shuttle en route to Balmorra rescued the escape pod from slavers. Jedi Master Orgus Din and Lieutenant Harron Tavus welcomed Satele and SP-99 aboard. Upon Satele's revelation of the Sith's betrayal, SP-99 attempted to discredit her account, stating she had not witnessed the entirety of the attack. Orgus Din, dismissing his interruption, decided to inform Master Zym about the Sith's actions.
Subsequently, on Balmorra, he volunteered to accompany Shan and Tavus in their continued mission to oversee the withdrawal of Republic forces from Dantooine as dictated by the Treaty of Coruscant. Following the attack on the Republic envoy Dar'Nala, the Republic forces on Dantooine had refused to leave with their commander and were still engaged against Sith forces, in violation of the Treaty. SP-99 reiterated that his assignment of monitoring the Jedi and the Republic was still unchanged.

After Tavus caught SP-99 spying on his conversation with Fortris Gall, he told him that it was his duty to do so to ensure compliance with the treaty. Tavus shot and destroyed the droid, telling him he wasn't accepting that as an excuse anymore.
SP-99, constructed by the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, possessed programming that ensured unwavering loyalty to his Sith Masters. Despite his capacity for personal interaction with Republic and Jedi individuals, his Sith origins led to suspicion and even animosity from some. Despite fighting on opposing sides, SP-99 was still able to form a sympathetic relationship with the Jedi Knight Satele Shan who had a more conciliatory approach than her Master Dar'Nala. Nevertheless, his allegiance to and defense of his Sith masters' actions frequently put him at odds with Republic and Jedi personnel.