Fortris Gall was a male human Jedi Knight during the period of the Great Galactic War. This war was a major conflict between the Galactic Republic and the re-established Sith Empire. Reportedly, he practiced Jar'Kai, and would use two lightsabers when the situation demanded it.

Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Gall gathered with other Jedi at Republic Base 11A located on Balmorra. They were discussing the orders for troop withdrawal that came after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed. Gall had been formulating a plan for a rescue operation to free Demolitions Squad 419 from their imprisonment by the Sith Empire (Post–Great Hyperspace War). Despite Togruta General [Buryn]'s](/article/buryn) discouragement, Gall exited the room, stating he was simply going to observe the stars.
However, Gall actually went to the Troida Military Workshop, the location where Squad 419 was being held. As he attempted to enter the workshop, he was challenged by a Sith, leading to a duel. The Sith declared that Gall's lightsaber was no match for the power of the dark side. In response, Gall produced a second lightsaber from his belt and successfully beheaded the Sith warrior.
Afterward, Gall and the rescued Republic prisoners launched an assault on the Imperial Forward Outpost XT-23, eliminating all resistance, including a group of Sith war droids. Jedi Master Orgus Din then arrived and cautioned Gall, urging him to end the conflict on Balmorra. Gall replied by stating that the Sith Treaty was a deception. Din countered by saying it was the Jedi's responsibility to bring peace to the galaxy.
Din further stated that Gall's presence on Balmorra would only intensify tensions with the Sith. He then informed Gall about recent events on Dantooine, where Republic troops, defying their commander, were still fighting Sith forces, violating the Treaty. Din instructed Gall to assist Satele Shan and Harron Tavus in suppressing the mutiny.

However, Gall, arriving before Tavus and Shan, chose to support the mutiny and continue the fight against the Sith. He later summoned Tavus to the ruins of the Jedi Enclave, where he confessed his involvement in the plot that resulted in the bombing of the Senate Building on Coruscant. Subsequently, Master Dar'Nala, thought to be dead, reappeared in the Enclave ruins, revealing her participation in the bombing plot. Master Dar'nala revealed she was framing Sith Lord Darth Baras to take the blame for sabotaging the Treaty. Gall and Dar'nala convinced Tavus to join them, as Lord Baras was on his way to Dantooine.
The group traveled to the Crystal Caves, where they attacked Darths Baras and Angral. Satele soon arrived and assisted them. However, Baras revealed that Dar'Nala was the mastermind behind the violence aimed at destroying the treaty, attempting to sway Satele to the Sith. Satele refused, but also declined to support Dar'Nala, and persuaded Tavus to do the same. Enraged, Dar'Nala moved to kill Tavus (whom Satele loved) as punishment for her former apprentice.
This action turned Gall against her. Seeing that Dar'Nala had crossed a line, Gall defended Tavus. Dar'Nala wounded the Jedi Knight and ordered Dalborra to kill him. The Wookiee responded by killing the rogue Jedi Master. With Dar'Nala dead, Satele led Gall and Tavus out of the caves. Upon reporting back to Din, Gall, having seemingly realized his error, declared that there would be no further attempts to disrupt the treaty.
Gall was dedicated to his troops and unwilling to withdraw, leaving Troop 419 in captivity. He was also unyielding and refused to obey orders he disagreed with. On Balmorra, he refused to withdraw, and he later sided with the commander on Dantooine when ordered to persuade the troops there to disengage.
However, he also deviated from Jedi principles, as evidenced by his involvement in the Senate building bombing to assassinate suspected Sith spies. Despite this, he prevented Dar'Nala from murdering Tavus, suggesting he had some moral boundaries.
Gall was first presented in the Star Wars: The Old Republic web comic, where he was initially identified as Fortis Gall in two separate issues. With the issue released on September 18, 2009, his name was changed to Fortris Gall, and the first two issues were updated to reflect this change.