Gin Lesl was a Human female who held the rank of commander within the Army of the Galactic Republic during the era of the Great Galactic War. As the war neared its conclusion, Lesl commanded Republic troops during the battle for Dantooine, where she contracted a bounty hunter to serve the Republic's interests. The conflict ended with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant; however, the bounty hunter, named Braden, defied Commander Lesl's orders to withdraw, prompting her to authorize a concussive ordnance attack against him. Soon after, Gin Lesl departed Dantooine and journeyed to Coruscant, intending to meet with Zym, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, following an urgent communication from him. Regrettably, the meeting was a trap set by Braden, who murdered Lesl as retribution for her actions against him on Dantooine.
As the captain commanding the Republic warship known as the Envoy, Gin gave the order for an orbital bombardment aimed at the bounty hunter Braden because he did not obey her order to pull out of Dantooine under the stipulations of the Treaty of Coruscant which established an unfair peace between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Even though she followed directions from Coruscant to retreat from Dantooine, her soldiers refused to cease their operations and continued to engage Sith forces on the planet. After Braden managed to escape from Sith imprisonment, he traveled to the galactic capital of Coruscant with the purpose of informing the Jedi and Republic authorities about the truth surrounding the murder of Jedi Master Dar'Nala.
He also planned to exact revenge upon both the Sith-aligned Wookiee bounty hunter Dalborra and Lesl for betraying him into the hands of the Sith. He sent a message to both the Jedi Master Zym and Gin Lesl, instructing each of them to meet at the ruins of the Jedi Temple with a crucial message. Upon their arrival, Lesl was confused when the Kel Dor Jedi informed her that he had received a message purportedly from her.
Their conversation was then interrupted by the arrival of Braden, who stated that he possessed the important message. He inquired whether she remembered him and if she recalled wounding him on Dantooine. Lesl responded that Braden was the bounty hunter that she made the mistake of hiring on Dantooine. Still confused, she questioned why he had pursued her all the way to Coruscant. Braden responded that she should have used something stronger than concussion ordnance before fatally shooting her with his blaster.
Turning to Zym, he informed him that he carried a message from one of his former colleagues—the Togruta Master Dar'nala. However, Zym responded by stating that he was only willing to converse with Braden if he laid down his weapon and surrendered to Jedi custody. Braden killed Zym in self-defense, and the Grand Master's chance to discover that an unknown Sith Lord had ordered the attack on the Envoy was lost. Simultaneously, a bomb planted by Sith agents inflicted significant damage on a section of the Galactic Senate.