Alderaan Star Fortress

The Star Fortress situated above Alderaan represented one of the many Star Fortresses, potentially numbering in the dozens or even hundreds, deployed by Emperor Arcann of the Eternal Empire. These installations served as watchtowers, monitoring for potential rebellions on planets conquered during the Eternal Empire conquest. Exarch Zar Draya held command of this particular fortress, which was defended by numerous Skytroopers and Knights of Zakuul. The Star Fortresses' presence exacerbated the ongoing Alderaan Civil War amongst the noble houses, with recordings of the most violent conflicts being broadcast as entertainment on Zakuul. In 3631 BBY, an Ithorian Jedi named Choza Raabat collaborated with the Commander of the Anti-Zakuul Alliance with the goal of dismantling the Star Fortress. Together, they formed a strike team that launched an assault, successfully destroying the Alderaan shield bunker protecting the Star Fortress. Subsequently, they regrouped at the Alliance base on Odessen. From that location, Theron Shan and Miot Dengd aided the Commander in infiltrating the Star Fortress. After battling through various levels of the station, the Commander finally reached the Sun Generator room and directly confronted the Exarch. During the intense battle, the Sun Generator's safety protocols were deactivated, and Exarch Zar Draya met his demise. The Commander narrowly escaped aboard a shuttle just before the Sun Generator overloaded, resulting in the complete vaporization of the Star Fortress and all remaining personnel.

Behind the scenes

The Alderaan Star Fortress is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire as one of a set of six Star Fortresses that players have the option to attack and destroy.

