The Spike (weapon)

The Spike, a gigantic, cylindrical pulse hammer, was initially designed by Galactic Solutions Industries as a weapon against military bunkers located beneath the surface. However, the weapon was considered unsuitable for its original purpose because of the extreme and destructive pressure inflicted on those inside when the payload detonated. Despite its high cost, the weapon was not appealing to potential customers until The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (THORN) realized that rakghouls were using underground warrens. Addalar Hyland, the CEO of G.S.I. and founder of THORN, promptly modified the device to move earth and stone, enabling the installation of a temporary shaft with a turbolift leading into subterranean rakghoul territory. Once inside the empty lairs beneath the earth, the machine would then deploy a collection of navigational beacons that explored the tunnels for THORN's expeditionary use.

The Spike saw action in King's Pass on Alderaan during the Alderaan Rakghoul Resurgence. Its purpose there was to establish a route into the rakghoul tunnels.

The device was also utilized in the Dune Sea on Tatooine, as well as in Labor Valley on Corellia, during the reemergence of the rakghoul epidemic on both of these worlds.

