Mission to Alderaan (Desolator crisis)

During the time of the Desolator crisis, a young Jedi Knight embarked on a quest. This mission took them to the planet of Alderaan with the objective of obliterating the Republic's superweapon known as the Death Mark laser. Accompanying the Jedi were the astromech droid T7-O1, Kira Carsen, who was the Knight's Padawan, and Orgus Din, the Knight's old master. Together, they successfully found and eliminated the weapon, even though they faced deception from Aleyna Hark, an Imperial agent working undercover. After tracing the control hub of the weapon to the lair of Lord Nefarid, a student of the Sith Lord Darth Angral - the one who initiated the crisis - the Knight was able to triumph over the Sith and use the Death Mark to target its own core computer. However, Master Din perished while trying to infiltrate Angral's primary ship, the Oppressor.

