Barcaria, the planet that was the source of Barcarian claw salt, existed within the Barcaria system. This system was situated in the Sombure sector, which itself was located in the Mid Rim. This planet is part of galactic lore.
Jace Malcom, a Human, spent his early years on Barcaria at his parents' ranch. Sometime around 3681 BBY, desiring to explore the galaxy, Malcom joined the Republic Military and left Barcaria. Later, around 0 BBY, Han Solo, a smuggler, traveled to Barcaria while working for members of the Hutt species.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry in 2009, first mentioned Barcaria as a map location, specifically in grid K-16. Later, the planet was described in more detail in the 2012 reference book Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia.