Valon was a male Human pirate who became a member of the White Maw during the time of the Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.
During the period known as the Cold War, Captain Valon initiated a series of attacks against the forces of the Rift Alliance coalition. Following his enlistment with the White Maw, Valon successfully recruited a large number of individuals to fight alongside him and exploit the Rift Alliance. Valon managed to survive multiple attempts on his life, including assaults from the Rift Alliance coalition forces and unsuccessful power grabs by overly ambitious lieutenants.
In the year 3642 BBY, which marked the initial year of the renewed conflict, Valon encountered the Barsen'thor, who provided assistance to a Rift Alliance unit under the leadership of lieutenant Felix Iresso. After his initial defeat at the hands of the Jedi Consular, his body armor completely restored him, and he was eager for another opportunity to defeat the Jedi. However, after the Consular succeeded in disabling the armor, Valon was ultimately defeated. He then attempted to negotiate a deal with the Jedi, offering to be allowed to freely harass the Empire in exchange for his life. The Jedi Consular rejected his proposition, and Valon was subsequently taken into Republic custody.
If the Jedi Consular accepts the deal proposed by Captain Valon, he will pledge his allegiance to the Jedi Consular and serve the Rift Alliance. He may be assigned to perform the following tasks:
- Provide support to the Rift Alliance by initiating the shipment of essential supplies, including food, medicine, and other necessities.
- Expand the ranks of followers by recruiting as many pirates as possible to join the cause.
- Engage in the harassment of the Empire by launching raids against Imperial shipping lanes and smaller vessels, inflicting significant damage.
Regardless of the specific tasks assigned, Captain Valon will eventually assist the Jedi Consular by providing various services, including taking out Empire ships.