Nim Drovis

The world known as Nim Drovis, situated within the Drovian system of the Meridian sector, was a perpetually rainy planet. It housed both a Sector Medical Facility and a Medical Research Facility, overseen by the Ho'Din physician Doctor Ism Oolos, in addition to a modest New Republic outpost. Bagsho, the largest free port on Nim Drovis, had been initially established by refugees hailing from Alderaan, eventually evolving into a vital nexus connecting the sector's neutral systems with the New Republic.


The equatorial swamps of Nim Drovis.

Prior to their initial contact with the Galactic Republic, the indigenous Drovians existed as a rather primitive civilization, structured around a decentralized network of tribes. A significant portion of the native Drovian population was addicted to zwil, a potent narcotic they ingested through fist-sized plugs inserted into their membrane-lined breathing apertures. These beings were characterized by their bottom-heavy build, tentacles tipped with pincers, and a diverse array of sensory organs distributed across their bodies. Following their integration into the broader Galactic community, those Drovians who embraced Republic technology developed a profound animosity towards the Gopso'o tribe, who staunchly adhered to the planet's traditional cultural practices. The Gopso'o preserved the ancient Drovian language, whereas the more mainstream Drovian society adopted Basic as their official tongue. The conflict between the technologically advanced Drovians and the Gopso'o may have originated from a disagreement over the interpretation and usage of the concept of truth.

Notably, it served as one of the planets where Captain Barden Golah spearheaded an archaeological dig.

In the aftermath of the Death Seed Plague crisis, the New Republic constructed a weather-controlling station to manage the planet's incessant rainfall. Furthermore, Jedi Knights from the New Jedi Order facilitated a peace agreement between the warring tribal factions.

A distinctive feature of this rainforest planet was the presence of acid-producing molds capable of dissolving flesh upon contact. The Drovians and Gopso'o who opted for cooperation over conflict joined forces to eradicate this mold using flamethrowers and acidthrowers.

The architectural style prevalent on Nim Drovis primarily consisted of robust stone walls, reinforced with thick wooden beams to support the numerous balconies that were a common design element.

