Felinoid reptomammals, known as vine cats, were identified in remote areas of Haruun Kal and the wooded regions of Ziost. These creatures encompassed around six different species, and their hides were utilized in the production of leather goods.
Due to their considerable size, vine cats were sizable predators that needed to consume food frequently. Luckily, they were highly skilled hunters, employing their lengthy, substantial tails for equilibrium. They also possessed extremely sharp claws, which they employed to swiftly dismember their captured animals. They could effortlessly ascend precipitous bluffs, trees, and other almost perpendicular structures.

During the era of the Cold War, a significant population of vine cats populated the jungles of Dromund Kaas, having been brought there from Ziost, particularly those in the vicinity of Kaas City. These animals eventually started assaulting Imperial staff, leading to Sergeant Molcarrus offering a reward for anyone prepared to eliminate them. Eventually, they were once more brought under control. Other varieties of vine cats were present on Ziost and Taral V.