
Lalat'k, serving as the Administrator General for the Gree Enclave, reached out to the rebuilt Sith Empire during the time of the Galactic War, seeking their aid to resolve a crisis unfolding on Asation. This Gree planet was primarily dedicated to the safekeeping of Gree technology. A particular piece of technology, a Grand Hypergate, possessed the ability to generate a tear within hyperspace, thereby forming an immediate connection between two distinct locations. Regrettably, the device activated seemingly without command (though in reality, it was under the influence of the Dread Masters and their subordinate Kephess), which led the Gree to request support from both the Republic and the Empire. Lalat'k convened with Colonel Jadick from the Imperial Reclamation Service on the Harrower-class dreadnought named Ziost Shadow, where he detailed the seriousness of the predicament. The Colonel showed understanding and gathered a capable team to journey to Asation and resolve the issue.

