The Eternity Vault, situated on Belsavis, functioned as a prison. This facility housed both prisoners and archaic Rakatan technological artifacts, remaining concealed until their discovery during the era of the Great Galactic War. Regrettably, this discovery drew the interest of The Infernal One, a potent Force-sensitive Rakata who was incarcerated within the Vault for reasons that remain shrouded in mystery. A volcanic cave existed within the cavern's wall, situated between the main [prison](/article/prison/legends] section of the vault and its jungle-like area. During the Galactic War, the Eternity Vault was compromised via bombing, enabling the escape of Gharj, a Sithspawn who had been confined within the prison block. Gharj subsequently tore through the rear wall of its cell, establishing a lair within the lava cave. Gharj's existence in the cave was cut short when he was killed.
A mission in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the MMORPG created by LucasArts and BioWare, includes the Eternity Vault.