Gharj, a terrifying beast resembling a Sithspawn, came into existence via Force alchemy at the hands of the Rakata from the Infinite Empire. This monster was let loose on many different worlds during the Empire's reign; Soa, a warlord, asserted that Gharj's sharp claws were responsible for creating the canals on the planet Seylott. Furthermore, the Talz inhabitants of Alzoc III began to revere the Rakata because of Gharj's rampages against them. Gharj was eventually locked away with Soa and his army inside the Eternity Vault located on the planet Belsavis. When the Vault's containment was broken during the Galactic War and Soa tried to escape, Gharj met his death.
Gharj appears as the second boss encounter in the Eternity Vault operation of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game released in 2011 by LucasArts and BioWare.