Talos Drellik

Talos Drellik, a male Human, holding the rank of Lieutenant, was a member of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the era of the Galactic War.


The Moff known as Drellik was the father of Talos Drellik, and desired that one of his offspring be trained as a Sith, while the other would serve within the ranks of the Imperial military. Talos' brother was chosen by Darth Marr of the Dark Council for training at the Sith Academy located on Korriban, but he never communicated with his family following this. Moff Drellik, despite his grief, called his Sith son an "ungrateful little rat", an expression of his sorrow, according to Talos.

In accordance with his father's wishes, Talos enlisted in the Imperial military, eventually attaining the rank of lieutenant. However, his true calling lay in the realms of history and archeology, which led him to join the ranks of the Imperial Reclamation Service, rather than excelling as a soldier. Talos believed the Reclamation Service performed a vital service, safeguarding the history of the Sith and the Empire from the ravages of time. He later mentioned that his father eventually grew fond of the idea after his initial outburst.

Unlike many officers within the Reclamation Service who were primarily soldiers with a casual interest in history, Lieutenant Drellik devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. He studied under renowned experts in the field, including Professor Auselio Gann and galactic historian Deravon Wells.

Talok Drellik on Hoth

In the year 3642 BBY, Talos found himself stationed on the icy world of Hoth, where he was searching for Sith ruins. While exploring The Bitter End in pursuit of these ruins, he encountered Lord Kallig, who had journeyed to Hoth in search of the Force ghost known as Horak-mul. Talos assisted Kallig in locating the final resting place of Horak-Mul. Following this encounter, he resigned from the Reclamation Service to follow Kallig, remaining loyal even as his Master clashed with Darth Thanaton and ultimately rose to a position on the Dark Council.

During Nox's travels to Rishi, Talos went with his lord during their visit to Lord Veijel, a local researcher on ancient alien technologies because of his background as an archaeologist. When the Sith Lord came across machines that could extend their life and possibly give them eternal life, he advised against chasing after immortality, saying it was the reason for the downfall of many Sith, like Nox's former master Darth Zash.

Around 3630 BBY, a half-dozen years after Darth Nox vanished following the invasion by the Eternal Empire hailing from Zakuul, Talos had made his way back to Yavin 4 to study the Temple of Sacrifice, which once housed the artifact Revan intended to utilize to resurrect the Emperor. Juvard Illip Oggurobb, the Hutt scientist who had joined an Alliance against Zakuul, recognized the need for an expert in archaeology and Force-powered technology, which was used extensively by the Eternal Empire. Therefore, he requested that the Outlander, the leader of the Alliance, travel to Yavin to recruit Talos for their cause. After he and the Outlander managed to gather a number of ancient artifacts related to the temple, Talos consented to accompany the Outlander to Odessen and join the Alliance.

Behind the scenes

Talos Drellik is a character that appears in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. He is first met in the Sith Inquisitor class storyline, and can be enlisted as a companion. Edward Hibbert provides his voice.

With high approval, Talos will eventually pledge a traditional oath of loyalty to the Inquisitor, referencing similar oaths from the Old Sith Empire as evidence.

If the Outlander is an Inquisitor and has a high approval rating with Talos, the archaeologist will be overjoyed that his master is still alive. The Dark Lord then has the option of simply ordering Talos to return with them to Odessen, skipping the quest. If the Eternal Alliance sides with the Republic against the Sith Empire, Talos will go back to the Imperial Reclamation Service after the Eternal Empire is defeated.

If the player is an Inquisitor, they can have some unique dialogue with Talos when he goes with Colonel Barden Golah’s investigation in the ruins of the Temple of Nul on Elom.

