Czerka Secret Weapons Division 7, a clandestine subterranean facility, was situated beneath the Dune Sea on Tatooine. This covert research installation, operated by the Czerka Corporation, was dedicated to the examination of Rakata technology unearthed on Tatooine. However, the Imprisoned One's [mind prison](/article/mind_prison] seized control of the Rakatan artifacts, turning the staff into cyborg thralls.
Several decades prior to the Cold War, this division was founded on the world of Tatooine with the purpose of studying a type-seven device, a designation given to weaponry with the capacity to obliterate an entire planet. The scientists assigned to the division had, in fact, discovered a Rakatan Mind prison that held the Imprisoned One. Grommik Kurthson was employed as a security officer for the division; when the relic was activated, it resulted in the deaths of all the scientists, leaving Kurthson as the sole survivor, who then lived a solitary existence in the Tatooine deserts.
During the Cold War period, the existence of the division was eventually brought to light by Republic Strategic Information Service agent Fauler, who subsequently tasked a Galactic Republic spacer with uncovering the secrets held within. Concurrently, Gayem Leksende from Czerka's special enforcement branch, had ambitions to retrieve the division's secrets for his own benefit.
The Czerka complex was initially designed for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that BioWare launched on December 20, 2011. In its original form, the in-game facility was significantly larger, featuring a bonus objective that culminated in a battle against Director Antayen. However, with the introduction of Knights of the Fallen Empire, the map's size was considerably reduced, and Antayen is now a standard enemy encountered before entering the phased area.