The year 3639 BBY marks the third year in which the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire were engaged in the Galactic War.
- The Rakghoul pandemic commenced. [2]
- Attacks on Hutt Space were conducted. [8]
- Annexation of neutral systems occurred. [8] Specifically, the Vyron system was annexed.[8]
- The Battle of Karagga's Palace took place. [8]
- A Tion Hegemony rakghoul outbreak transpired. [8]
- A Mission to the Lost Island was undertaken. [2]
- The Battle for the Black Hole was fought. [2]
- The Battle of Denova unfolded. [2]
- A Raid on Asation was executed. [9]
- The Invasion of Belsavis was carried out. [10]
- Operation Clean Sweep was executed. [11]
- Operation Foe-Smasher was executed. [11]
- A Battle in the New Cov ice field was fought. [11]
- A Battle in the Bimmiel asteroid field was fought. [11]
- An Attack on the Far Cradle was launched. [11]
- An Attack on Regnant Station was launched. [11]
- An Attack on Kabal Station was launched. [11]
- An Attack on Ardis Outpost was launched. [11]
- A Battle above Hypori was fought. [11]
- A Battle above Lorta was fought. [11]
The following individuals perished on Asation: Ciphas[9], Heirad[9], Kel'sara[9], Operator IX[9], Sheron[9], and Writhing Horror[9].
The following individuals perished on Kaon: Byzal[8], Lk'graagth[8], Chak'aghakh[8], and G'klarg[8].
Darth Ordrem died in the Baros system. [11]
Harmon Torvix died on Corellia. [8]
Rimark died in the Thanium sector. [11]
Sannus Lorrick died on Ord Mantell. [2]