The following occurrences happened in the year 3954 BBY.
- Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus stripped Kreia of her Darth Traya title and severed her connection to the Force.
- The First Jedi Purge commenced: acting under Darth Sion's directives, Sith assassins emerged from Malachor V to conduct a covert war against the Jedi Order. Their aim was to eliminate the few remaining Jedi, and they were largely successful. [7]
- The majority of what was left of Darth Revan's Sith Empire was unified with Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus ruling, with Malachor V serving as the capital. However, the Sith Civil War did not end entirely; some Sith warlords continued fighting over the empire's remaining territories. [7]
- Sith Lord Scourge became involved in the Nathema conspiracy . [8]
- Search for Mandalore's Mask [8] Skirmish on Rekkiad[8] Skirmish in Dramath the Second's tomb[8]
- Assassination attempts on Darth Nyriss [8]
- Skirmish outside of Darth Nyriss's stronghold [8]
- Mission to Hallion [8]
- Mission to Bosthirda [8]
- Duel on Bosthirda [8]
- Vaner Shan [8]
- On Bosthirda Darth Xedrix[8]
- A * female Sith acolyte [8] A male Sith acolyte[8]
- On Rekkiad Veela Ordo[8]