In the year 3954 BBY, a brief battle unfolded just outside the fortress of Darth Nyriss, situated on the world of Dromund Kaas. Following the arrival of the Sith Lord Scourge at Nyriss's stronghold, he found himself under attack by two soldiers of fortune. This short fight resulted in the deaths of both mercenaries.
Leading up to 3954 BBY, after the second attempt on her life, Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss engaged the services of two freelance soldiers to pursue a clue uncovered by her security chief Murtog and her advisor Sechel. However, before they could proceed, the Sith Emperor intervened, compelling Nyriss to seek assistance from the Sith Lord Scourge. Upon Scourge's arrival on Dromund Kaas, she instructed Sechel to escort him to her stronghold and simultaneously ordered the mercenaries to eliminate the Sith Lord.
Shortly after reaching Nyriss's stronghold, the mercenaries, aboard a speeder, initiated an attack on Scourge, forcing him to run and find protection behind a statue of the Sith Emperor. As the speeder prepared for another pass, Scourge emerged and hurled his lightsaber at the vehicle, causing damage to its rear. Soon after, the speeder collided with the statue he was using for cover and crashed. The Sith Lord charged toward the disoriented male mercenary, while the female drew her blaster pistols and began firing at the Sith to protect her partner. Scourge responded by jumping over the wrecked speeder and killing the male mercenary before he could use his blaster rifle.
Enraged by her partner's death, she unleashed another volley at the Sith, managing to graze his shoulder. In response, Scourge unleashed a force wave that sent her crashing into a nearby statue. After regaining her footing, she produced an electrorod, adopting a fighting stance. As they circled each other, Scourge offered her a chance to live in exchange for the identity of their employer. Before she could respond, she was shot by Nyriss's security chief and five guards.
Following the brief conflict, Nyriss revealed to Scourge that she had hired the mercenaries to investigate a lead related to the recent attempts on her life, and she had excess agents due to the Emperor's interference. She suggested that Scourge view the encounter as a test, stating that failure would have deemed him unworthy of serving her, while success would have proven them to be a waste of resources, either way providing her with the ideal candidate for the task. After the revelation, she informed him about the lead and that the droid responsible for nearly killing her during the second attempt originated from a factory on the planet Hallion. She dispatched Scourge and Sechel on a mission to infiltrate the factory and identify the purchaser of the droid.
The battle was first depicted in Drew Karpyshyn's novel The Old Republic: Revan, which was published on November 15, 2011.