In the year 3954 BBY, Sith Lord Scourge and Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss' advisor Sechel embarked on a quest to determine the buyer of the droid responsible for nearly terminating Nyriss during the second attempt to assassinate her. Upon their arrival on the planet Hallion, they managed to infiltrate the Uxiol Droid Manufacturing plant. While Sechel was engaged in hacking the factory's network, Scourge was forced to battle multiple patrolling drones along with an assault droid. After Sechel successfully copied the necessary files, he proceeded to hack into the power grid, causing a complete shutdown of the plant. This power disruption led to the destabilization of the plant's vats, which relied on Trivium generator reactor cores. The pair made their escape from the plant just moments before the trivium generators exploded, resulting in the complete destruction of the facility.
Leading up to 3954 BBY, Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss had endured several attempts on her life. The most recent involved a droid equipped with a disruptor beam that mistakenly caused the demise of her chef and immediately erased its own memory core. Following this incident, Sechel, her advisor, managed to gain access to the droid's memory, uncovering its origin at a privately-owned factory situated on the planet Hallion. Subsequently, she enlisted the services of two mercenaries to investigate this lead further. However, before they could proceed, the Sith Emperor intervened, compelling Nyriss to seek assistance from the Sith Lord Scourge. Soon after Scourge's arrival on Dromund Kaas, Nyriss instructed her advisor to escort him to her stronghold and to command the mercenaries to eliminate him. After a short conflict, Scourge killed the male mercenary, and before the female could reveal her employer, she was terminated by Murtog, Nyriss' security leader, along with five guards.
Nyriss later confessed to Scourge that she had hired the mercenaries who attacked them and the reason she had Sechel order them to kill him. After the revelation she ordered Scourge to protect her advisor during his mission on Hallion.
Upon their arrival on Hallion, the pair meticulously examined the facility. Scourge, utilizing his night goggles, identified a security fence not present in Sechel's blueprints, along with a single patrol drone. Scourge used the Force to jump over the fence and proceeded to cause severe damage to the drone. After destroying the droid, he cut the power to the fence and opened the gate allowing Sechel inside. The pair then infiltrated the manufacturing plant crossing the main production floor, lined with four enormous melting vats, as they made their way to records office. When the code Sechel was provided failed Scourge used his lightsaber to destroy the access panel.
His action set off the alarm system alerting the plant's security force to the intrusion. Scourge ordered Sechel to slice into the mainframe and find the necessary files while he would face the plants security. Shortly after two patrol drones emerged Scourge used Force Speed to charge the drones, rolled underneath and unleashed a series of vicious lightsaber cuts ending the encounter. No sooner that he dispatched the drones another pair entered the room. Scourge threw his lightsaber to dispatch the first droid and used the Force to violently throw the second against the floor destroying it. Five more patrol drones and one assault droid entered the room, the assault droid charged Scourge while firing forcing the Sith to take cover behind a nearby conveyor belt.
He then climbed the nearest catwalk to avoid the assault droids range of fire. The patrol drones charged Scourge who ran to the nearest melting vat. Two of the drones attempted to cut off Scourge's escape only to be thrown into each other and to drop into one of the melting vats. The three remaining droids avoided the vats and cut off Scourge's escape, he ran back toward the assault droid and jumped directly on top of the droid. He used his lightsaber to slice through the droids armor plating, but before he could damage any of the internal circuitry he was thrown clear of the machine.
After he regained his balance he attacked the droid again from it's blind side and finally managed to damage the droid, causing the droid to lash out and kick Scourge square in the chest, breaking one of his ribs. Scourge then crawled under the droid using it as a shield to protect himself from the incoming fire of the surviving patrol drones, as he impaled the unarmored underside of the droid finally finishing it off. Before he could savor his victory another swarm of drones and two more assault droids entered the room. He readied himself for more combat just as Sechel cut the power to the plant. Scourge re-equipped his night goggles and used his comm to ask Sechel about his status and why the power went out.
Sechel replied that he had copied the necessary files and then sliced into the power grid to shut the plant down. He then notified the Sith Lord that the power outage destabilized the Trivium generator reactor cores that the melting vats used. The pair escaped the plant shortly before the trivium generator's exploded destroying the plant.
One week later, Nyriss informed Scourge that the droid responsible for the attack was acquired by separatist factions hailing from Bosthirda—seeking to liberate their planet from the Emperor's rule and the Dark Council's influence—and dispatched Scourge, Sechel, and Murtog, her security chief, to initiate a raid on the separatists' compound.
This particular mission was initially depicted in The Old Republic: Revan, a novel penned by Drew Karpyshyn and published on November 15th, 2011.