Tulak Hord's lightsaber

Tulak Hord, a Sith Lord from the ancient Sith Empire, wielded a specific weapon: his lightsaber. Following Tulak Hord's death, this [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber/legends], along with several other artifacts connected to Hord, vanished for many years. It was eventually rediscovered by Darth Marr, another Sith Lord, on the planet of Dromund Fels prior to 3678 BBY, not long before he joined the governing Dark Council of the reconstituted Sith Empire's.

Behind the scenes

The "Legacy of Tulak Hord" Codex entry within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game launched in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts, marked the initial mention of Tulak Hord's lightsaber. Although Darth Marr is depicted with a lightsaber within the video game, it remains unconfirmed if Marr actually utilized Hord's lightsaber personally.

The lightsaber can be bought in the "Cartel Market" within the game. Considering this, it is likely that Marr did not wield Hord's lightsaber, because the design of Marr's lightsaber is significantly different from Tulak Hord's.

