Roly Melusar

Roly Melusar, who was called "Holy Roly" by the commandos under his leadership, succeeded Sa Cuis as the new commander of the Imperial Commando Special Unit not long after the Galactic Empire was established.

Having been born on Dromund Kaas, a planet then under the control of the Prophets of the Dark Side and formerly the capital of the resurgent Sith Empire, Melusar harbored a deep-seated animosity towards all individuals who were Force-sensitives. Furthermore, he resented the Empire for employing Force-users within its ranks. Melusar also held a strong aversion to the Republic, feeling they abandoned the people of Dromund Kaas and expunged all records pertaining to the planet.

Shortly after assuming command of the Commando Division within the 501st Legion, Melusar approached commandos Niner and Darman, confiding in them his intense dislike for Force-users, including those serving the Imperial cause, and requested that they report to him directly. He secretly solicited their assistance in his mission to purge the galaxy and the Empire of Force-users. Darman, whose wife Etain had perished during the Great Jedi Purge, accepted Melusar's proposition. When Darman requested a ship and resources from Roly to enable him and Niner to travel to Mandalore, Melusar complied, as Darman claimed it was to locate some old intelligence contacts. While Niner expressed doubts about this decision, Darman asserted his belief that all Force-users were inherently evil.

