The Cyax system was comprised of the planet Da Soocha and its parent star, named Cyax. From the Hutt planet of Varl, Cyax shone as one of the most luminous stars in the heavens, inspiring numerous legends among the Hutts about the system. Upon their departure from Varl, they abandoned exploration of the system and removed it entirely from their navigation records. While the fight against the resurrected Emperor Palpatine raged on, Green Squadron was on a routine patrol within the Cyax system. During this patrol, they came across a target that was not transmitting any identifying ID codes. As the squadron began to approach the unidentified vessel, Admiral Gial Ackbar, the squadron's commanding officer, recognized it as the flagship Defiance. He knew its transponder had been damaged in a prior encounter with an Imperial convoy while on a reconnaissance mission near the Galactic Core.
In the aftermath of the destruction of Nar Shaddaa amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Hutts broadened their reach into the Cyax system, establishing settlements, notably on Da Soocha.