TIE Fighter Construction Facility

The TIE Fighter Construction Facility, a sprawling shipyard, circled the moon called Nar Shaddaa. This installation was primarily used for the massive production of TIE craft during the Imperial Era, making it a key target for anyone wanting to harm the Galactic Empire.


The facility's control room.

To support and expand the Empire's military capabilities, these factories were built across the galaxy, typically positioned in a low planetary orbit. Though Sienar Fleet Systems managed them, the Empire ultimately owned them. Several squads of highly skilled Imperial Navy commandos defended it. This particular facility was among the first of its kind.

Inside, the Empire refined its mass production methods, which resulted in the creation of thousands of TIE/LN fighters. TIE component parts were arranged in rows and moved along a magnetic conveyor where automated laser arms welded the vehicles together before being transported to loading bays.


TIE facility concept art

In 3 BBY, the facility was seized by Rahm Kota, a former Jedi General, and his allies. During the subsequent battle, Kota's forces strategically placed explosives throughout the factory. However, this was not their primary goal, as Kota aimed to provoke Darth Vader into appearing, but instead Vader's secret apprentice was drawn into the conflict. Kota detonated some of these explosives to separate the base's command center, hoping to eliminate the apprentice, but he was unsuccessful in that endeavor.

Behind the scenes

The 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed features the TIE Fighter Construction Facility as its initial story-driven level. Within the game, it's referred to as the "TIE Fighter Factory," and the game's Databank provides much of its background information. The facility is also depicted in the novel and comic adaptation of the same title.

The TIE Fighter Construction Facility's appearance varies across different versions of The Force Unleashed video games. In the Wii/PS2 versions, its exterior features a series of connected pods along a spine-like structure, topped with a long bridge area. Conversely, the PS3 and XBOX360 versions showcase a more streamlined and curved structure, almost bell-shaped.

The Facility's interior was intentionally designed with "Imperial" aesthetics, drawing inspiration from the environments of A New Hope and the rest of the original trilogy. The layout visually represents the construction of TIE fighters, featuring wing racks and cockpit assembly lines. From a gameplay perspective, it was equipped with objects that could be thrown at enemies or destroyed (on some platforms, demonstrating Digital Molecular Matter technology). The command center underwent several design changes, and the final color scheme was chosen to complement the green-emerald effects surrounding Rahm Kota.

