Kreetan Narrows

The Kreetan Narrows were a historically significant area situated within the Outer Rim Territories. This region encompassed the Periphery, the Boz Pity Salient, and various star systems including the Honoghr system, the Kessel system, the Sriluur system, and the Vaath'kror system.


Initially, the Kreetan Narrows constituted the northernmost extension of Hutt Space. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire significantly diminished Hutt Space's territory; however, the Kreetan Narrows remained under Hutt dominion. In the months that transpired after the Declaration of a New Order, the surrounding areas became a hotbed of Separatist activity. Subsequent to their defeat in the battle of Trasemene, the Separatists sought refuge within the Kreetan Narrows, only to be pursued by Imperial forces who subsequently annexed the region. The Kreetan Narrows were then divided and allocated among five Imperial sectors: namely, the Suolriep, Tharin, Calaron, Kessel, and Bheriz sectors.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)
  • Lords of Nal Hutta

Notes and references
