Battle of the Archenar asteroid field

The clash known as the Battle of the Archenar asteroid field unfolded amidst the Cold War, pitting the military might of the Galactic Republic against the war machine of the Sith Empire. This confrontation took place within the confines of the Archenar asteroid field. Preceding this engagement by approximately a week, the Republic suffered a series of setbacks in this sector of Hutt Space, with eighteen of their supply transports falling victim to enemy ambushes. Ultimately, reconnaissance drones pinpointed Imperial fighters concealed within the Archenar asteroid field. As a result, Republic Command devised a counter-ambush, deploying the distinguished Coruscant Aegis squadron, reinforced by Thranta-class corvettes. The Republic forces achieved a decisive victory, obliterating the majority, perhaps all, of the Sith forces present.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of the Archenar asteroid field was featured as a mid-level (Level 20+) Space Mission in the massively multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Republic players were tasked with eliminating a substantial Sith armada. An optional objective involved the destruction of an additional 100 Imperial fighters. Another optional objective required the destruction of the 20 turrets located on a Harrower-class starship. A further, concealed optional objective entailed the destruction of the command center situated on the same Harrower-class vessel.

