Battle of Nar Shaddaa (Galactic Civil War)

The Battle of Nar Shaddaa represents one of the initial conflicts of the Galactic Civil War. During this period, an Imperial force, led by Darth Vader, was actively hunting for Rebel outposts to disrupt their logistical infrastructure. The Attack at Datar, a prior engagement in this same campaign, saw the Imperials achieve victory over the Rebels, but without capturing any survivors. Lacking prisoners for interrogation, the Empire remained unable to pinpoint the Rebels' arms supply routes.

Concurrently, the Alliance was actively utilizing a storage facility located in Level 88 of the Corellian Sector on Nar Shaddaa as a crucial hub within their supply chain. Weapons, concealed within various freight shipments, were being transferred to blockade runners for delivery to Rebel bases spread throughout the galaxy. An ambitious bounty hunter named Greedo discovered the Rebel operations on the moon. Greedo then informed two more experienced bounty hunters, Spurch Goa and Dyyz Nataz, who then passed this intelligence on to Imperial command.

To prevent a repeat of the Datar fiasco, Lord Vader personally assumed command of the operation. The Imperials disguised a pair of Gamma-class assault shuttles to resemble civilian light freighters, and acquired the necessary landing authorizations from the Corellian Sector's Port Authority. The strategy involved the disguised shuttles securing the area and capturing as many Rebels as possible, with Lord Vader arriving after the area had been secured. However, Rebel SpecForce sentry Spane Covis detected the two ships, recognized them as non-civilian vessels, and alerted his commander, "Stardog One." Once more, the Empire had forfeited the advantage of surprise.

While twenty Rebel commandos, equipped with a C4-CZN ion field gun, readied themselves to repel the Imperials, other Rebel troops loaded a Z-10 Seeker transport in preparation to evacuate with the maximum amount of stored supplies possible. The Rebel ion cannon destroyed both assault shuttles, although the second shuttle did manage to deploy some of its soldiers beforehand. In a brief but intense exchange of fire, the Imperial soldiers were either killed or captured. With the battle appearing to be concluded, the Rebels disengaged to assist local firefighters who had rushed to the site when the Rebel warehouse and adjacent buildings caught fire.

Nevertheless, a second wave of Imperials soon appeared, arriving aboard a vehicle referred to as a "Death Engine." These Imperials may have been under the direct command of Lord Vader. Displaying a disregard for civilian safety, and seemingly for capturing prisoners, the crew of the Death Engine unleashed its heavy weaponry upon Level 88.

Whether the Imperials captured any prisoners, or whether any Rebels managed to escape, remains uncertain. What is known is that an entire section of the Corellian Sector was destroyed, resulting in the destruction of approximately twenty levels.

