Level 88

On the Smugglers' Moon, Nar Shaddaa, within the Corellian Sector, one could find Level 88, a residential zone and working-class neighborhood. While a significant portion of Level 88's population held down honest jobs as mechanics and cargo transporters, a similar number amassed wealth through the various gambling establishments located there.

From 4 BBY to 1 BBY, Level 88 served as a home to a number of Rodian refugees, including Greedo and his family.

Nar Shaddaa Under Siege

In the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance utilized portions of Level 88's warehouse district as a covert storage location for prohibited weaponry. They would disguise these weapons within shipments of spice, then secretly transport them off-planet aboard blockade runners under the cover of darkness. A young Rodian mercenary by the name of Greedo discovered this operation and proceeded to sell the information to a bounty hunter known as Spurch Goa. Goa, in turn, sold the information directly to the Galactic Empire. The resulting conflict was short-lived, but intense.

Darth Vader dispatched a pair of cloaked assault shuttles to Level 88, where they devastated the warehouse area. Stormtroopers emerged from the shuttles and engaged twenty Rebel commandos in front of the warehouse ruins. The commandos shifted the battle in their favor by deploying a C4-CZN ion field gun against the shuttles, resulting in their destruction. During the battle, several buildings in the warehouse sector caught fire. A subsequent wave of Imperial forces, possibly commanded by Vader himself, soon arrived. Their "Death Engine" inflicted even greater destruction, with the resulting explosions felt as far away as Level 92.


Known individuals who resided on Level 88

