Nok, the brother of Neela, who was the mother of Greedo, was also Greedo's uncle.
Back in 17 BBY, Navik the Red, a Rodian from the Chattza Clan, instigated a sequence of aggressive skirmishes against the Tetsu Clan. Greedo the Elder, the husband of Nok's sister, was among the initial victims of Navik. In a desperate attempt to live, Nok and his relatives escaped Rodia using one of three large, silver starships. They established a home in the deep jungles of an unnamed tropical planet. Nok hid the ships in a huge cave, hoping the Chattza clan would never locate them. Content with their new home, he assisted in constructing basic huts within the thick branches of the Tendril trees that grew abundantly throughout the mountain valley.
As time passed, Nok, alongside his brother Teeku, created a way of life by tending to the arboreal creatures called Tree-Botts. He also excelled as a hunter, protecting the Tetsus from the predatory Manka cats that prowled the jungles at night. He deeply wished to see his nephews, Greedo and Pqweeduk, become accomplished hunters themselves. On Pqweeduk's twelfth birthday, he gifted the young Rodian with a special hunting knife.
Not long after, Nok learned that Navik the Red's warriors had returned. They pinpointed the Tetsu pilgrimage and began to violently destroy the jungle, killing as many Rodians as possible. Nok and Teeku gathered their family and returned them to the hidden starships. Only one of the three ships managed to escape the destruction. Nok piloted the only surviving ship out of the planet's orbit, deciding to relocate his family to a safer and more populated location. He hoped that they could discreetly integrate into another culture where they would remain unrecognized. He brought them to Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon.
Nok and his family made their home in the warehouse area of Level 88 in the Corellian Sector. His sister, Neela, secured a job doing house-service, while Nok and Teeku found work as freight handlers. In 1 BBY, Imperial forces conducted a raid on the Level 88 warehouse district, leading to a firefight with Rebel Alliance soldiers. The resulting devastation caused many parts of the district to catch fire. It remains unknown whether Nok survived the inferno.