The Rodian Clan Wars represent a series of brutal conflicts among tribes. These wars unfolded primarily on the planet of Rodia and extended across several decades.
Rodians had a natural inclination towards warfare, being a species particularly adept at hunting. Their societal structure evolved around a culture of combat simulations, where members from rival clans were obligated to track and eliminate opponents under specific, predetermined conditions. However, as years passed, these war games fostered discord among the various clans, and the competitions became increasingly vicious and personalized.
Approximately seventeen years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Navik the Red, a dominant leader of the Chattza Clan, initiated a war against the more peaceful members of the Tetsu Clan. A significant number of Tetsu had abandoned their aggressive tendencies and embraced pacifistic principles. This made them vulnerable to the Chattza clan's aggressive members. During this internal conflict, Navik assassinated his primary adversary, the bounty hunter known as Greedo the Elder. Greedo's spouse, Neela, together with her brothers, Nok and Teeku, and her son Greedo, escaped Rodia aboard three large transport vessels. They established a colony on a small jungle planet, which allowed Navik the Red to rise to the position of Grand Protector and the dominant warlord chieftain of Rodia.
The Rodian clan wars experienced a period of relative calm while Navik solidified his position of power on Rodia. Four years before the Battle of Yavin, Navik the Red discovered the location where the Tetsu refugees had been in hiding for many years. Accompanied by a retinue of warlords and bounty hunters, they launched an assault on the Rodian settlements on the jungle planet, resulting in the massacre of many of the remaining Tetsu. The elderly Tree-Bott herder, Nok, attempted to launch the three colony starships into the atmosphere in an effort to escape the planet. Navik's forces destroyed one of the ships, but two managed to escape, allowing Nok, Neela, Teeku, Greedo, and his brother Pqweeduk to survive the slaughter.
Although numerous Tetsu Rodians survived the wars, their population was diminished, leading them to inhabit communal refugee settlements on planets like Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine. Navik persisted in his efforts to track down and eliminate as many Tetsu as he could locate.