Greedo the Elder

A male Rodian known as Greedo the Elder was a member of the Tetsu Clan. Eventually, he gained notoriety as a bounty hunter, fathered two sons, and rose to leadership within his clan. His life was tragically ended by his nemesis, Navik the Red.


Greedo made his home on Rodia, where he achieved success as a bounty hunter, married, and had two sons. As he matured, Greedo viewed the traditional Rodian hunts as pointless. Despite his formidable reputation, he declined to participate in the gladiatorial contests common among his people.

After a prosperous career pursuing criminals and outlaws, Greedo met a violent end while his eldest son was still young, perishing in the purges orchestrated by Navik the Red.

Greedo's pregnant wife, Neela, along with his son and namesake, as well as his brothers-in-law Nok and Teeku, escaped Rodia. Greedo's son later sought to emulate his father by attempting to claim the bounty on Han Solo, but met a similarly violent fate.

Behind the scenes

The death of Greedo the Elder.

Initially, the intention was for the Greedo involved in a scuffle with Anakin Skywalker in a deleted scene from The Phantom Menace, later included as bonus content on the DVD, to be the same Greedo featured in A New Hope. Wald's prediction was meant to foreshadow Greedo's demise at the hands of Han Solo. George Lucas also confirmed in the commentary for the deleted scene that it was indeed the same Greedo from A New Hope. However, to maintain the Expanded Universe backstory established for the A New Hope character, subsequent references retroactively identified the Rodian who fought Anakin as Greedo the Elder. Nevertheless, in 2010, following the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode Sphere of Influence, which also included Greedo, it was re-retconned to confirm that the Greedo in The Phantom Menace's deleted scene is, in fact, the same Greedo from A New Hope.

