The vast empire forged through the conquests of Xim the Despot was known as Xim's empire. It ultimately fractured upon his demise.
The Kingdom of Cron served as the foundation for this empire. This fiefdom was established during the Cronese Sweeps by Xer VIII, Xim's father, who was a pirate. Xim's first domain, centered on Argai and encompassing at least thirteen planets, came into his possession in 25,130 BBY.
Xim's first decade as ruler is remembered as his Expansionist Period. He conquered a substantial portion of the Tion Cluster during this time, including the Livien League, which was established within it, in 25,130 BBY. At its peak, Xim's empire sprawled across thousands of worlds, stretching from the Radama Void all the way to the Maw. To maintain control, Xim created the GenoHaradan, a secret police force, and used terror tactics, including mass executions. Furthermore, he spearheaded the development of war-robots to strengthen his military. Orbital fortresses were a key component of Xim's military campaigns. During the empire's zenith, Xim maintained opulent palaces on Argai and Raxus, massive vaults on Dellalt, and a towering statue on Desevro.
However, Xim's relentless expansion soon brought him into direct conflict with the Hutt Empire, the dominant force in the galaxy and a long-standing adversary of his Tionese subjects. They had been quarreling for some time over the Si'Klaata Cluster. It was in this era that the orbital fortress currently known as Terman Station was strategically positioned near Sriluur in the Periphery. In 25,102 BBY, Xim decimated the Hutt colony of Ko Vari. Shortly thereafter, however, the Hutts, led by Kossak, retaliated by annihilating an entire fleet belonging to Xim at the First Battle of Vontor.
A second battle at Vontor followed soon after, ending without a clear victor. As a result, the Hutts imposed the Treaty of Vontor on the Vodrans, Niktos, Klatooinians, and Weequay, securing their services as mercenaries. In the third battle for Vontor in 25,100 BBY, Xim's forces suffered a complete defeat, with his treasure ship, the Queen of Ranroon, being among the few of his forces to escape. Xim was captured and imprisoned on Nal Hutta, where he ultimately died in Kossak's palace.
Following Xim's death, his empire swiftly disintegrated under the onslaught of the Hutt invasion. The Kingdom of Cron reclaimed its independence, and new entities, such as the Jaminere Marches and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion, rapidly emerged from the empire's former territories. During the Tionese War (24,000 BBY), the Tionese were crushed by the Galactic Republic.
The GenoHaradan persisted for at least the next two millennia, evolving into a criminal organization. Despite his brutal methods, Xim remained a celebrated figure among the Tionese people for thousands of years.
Xim's empire, encompassing thousands of worlds, amassed immense wealth, with its economy primarily focused on supporting warfare. Shipyards and factories located on Jaminere, Cadinth, and Thanium supplied the necessary equipment and materials for Xim's war machine. Other planets concentrated on producing merchant vessels and beacons, while Tionese artisans engaged in fierce competition to surpass one another. Xim expanded or constructed grand palaces on Raxus Prime, Amarin, and Argai, as well as a royal sanctuary at Nuswatta.
The renowned Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta perhaps best exemplified the nature of Xim's rule. Viewing the Gardens was punishable by death for all except Xim's inner circle, and legend has it that they were maintained by slaves who had been blinded at birth. Other tales spoke of military officers who had failed, traitors, or defeated enemies being executed within the Gardens. Xim also maintained control over his conquered territories through his feared secret police, the GenoHaradan, and the use of terror tactics, such as mass executions.
Xim the Despot developed a formidable military-industrial complex using ancient Rakatan technology. Due to the sheer size of his armies and the extent of his conquests, numerous examples of Xim's weaponry survived well into the era of the Galactic Civil War. Xim's infantry was organized into various ranks. The majority consisted of janissaries taken from conquered worlds, who were trained from a young age to serve as soldiers. They wore lightweight ceramic alloy armor and helmets and were equipped with either slugthrowers or heatbeams, which used lasers to produce streams of plasma. Heatbeam operators wore durable, fire-resistant padded gloves and kamas to protect against their weapons' extremely hot exhaust. The kama was later adopted by the Thyrsus Sun Guard and the Mandalorian people as part of their cultural attire.
Among Xim's elite forces were the Duinarbulon Star Lancers, who wore glossy black kiirium ceramic armor and carried advanced (for the time) beam tubes, early predecessors of the blaster. The infantry received support from tracked tanks, armored groundcars, and floaters equipped with beam tube cannons. High-end vehicles were armored with kiirium to deflect energy weapons. Xim's most renowned soldiers were the war-robots, three-meter-tall battle droids armed with heatbeams, particle dischargers, and pulse-wave cannons. The War-Robots were typically held in reserve to be deployed as shock troops.
Xim's warships were smaller than those used in the Imperial era and were all uniquely designed, reflecting the ancient Tionese belief that warship construction was an art form rather than an industrial process. According to the Anaxes War College System, the majority of Xim's warships would be classified as frigates or corvettes, and included Argaian hemiolia, Livien cutters, Thanium star-glaives, and Cronian battlebirds operating in mixed squadrons. Larger vessels, approximately the size of a cruiser, included Cronese harpices, Brigian penteconters, Thanium polyremes, Yutuski rakehells and Xolochi Dreadnoughts. Xim's flagships included the Eibon Scimitar and the Deathknell.
Xim's naval weaponry primarily consisted of torpedos, concussion missiles, and pulse cannons, which used radiation blasts to melt enemy hulls and disrupt circuitry. The Despot's ships were armored with kiirium, a superconducting alloy that gave each ship a reflective hull capable of deflecting enemy energy weapons. Mytag crystals were incorporated into communications and sensor systems to protect them from electromagnetic attacks. Bordhell-type fuel slugs provided Xim's warships with unparalleled range and speed.

- Abraxin
- Algor [1] [2]
- Amarin [1] [2]
- Arcan IV [1] [2]
- Argai [1] [2]
- Astigone [1] [2]
- Balshebr [2]
- Barancar [1]
- Barseg [1] [2]
- Brigia [1] [2]
- Bynas [2]
- Cadinth [1] [2]
- Caluula [1] [2]
- Chandaar [1] [2]
- Centares (as Astigone, has since been disproven) [1]
- Cophrigin system
- Cophrigin V
- Corlass [1] [2]
- Corlax [1]
- Dellalt [1] [2]
- Derilium [2]
- Desevro [1] [2]
- Draukyze [2]
- Dravione [1]
- Duinarbulon [1] [2]
- Duinihiim [2]
- Eibon [1] [2]
- Endregaad [1] [2]
- Eredenn [1] [2]
- Ethain [2]
- Ethullum [1] [2]
- Far Barseg [2]
- Far Thanium [1] [2]
- Foran Tutha [1]
- Galidraan [1] [2]
- Galuch [1] [2]
- Gwynhes [2]
- Gwynhes Minor [1] [2]
- Huronom [1] [2]
- Idux [1] [2]
- Jaminere [1] [2]
- Janilis [1]
- Janodral Mizar [1] [2]
- Jhantoria [1]
- Kanaver [1] [2]
- Karsabeth [2]
- Komnor [2]
- Kossimur system [2]
- Ko Vari [1] [2]
- Kveror [2]
- Lantillies (as a potential Lost Throne) [1]
- Lelrais [2]
- Lianna [1] [2]
- Livien [1] [2]
- Lorrad [1]
- Makem Te [2]
- Maelibo [2]
- Maldont [2]
- Mossak [1] [2]
- Moralan [1] [2]
- Murkhana [1] [2]
- Nardolin [1] [2]
- Nuswatta [1] [2]
- Olgabl [2]
- Oor
- Pakuuni [2]
- Panna [1]
- Pasmin [1] [2]
- Pesegam [2]
- Quermia [2]
- Radama Void (at the western edge of Xim's Empire) [2]
- Ranroon [1]
- Raxus Prime [1] [2]
- Rhen Var [2]
- Rudrig [1] [2]
- Sleheyron (as Xim's future Ninth Throne) [1]
- Soruus [1]
- Stalimur [1]
- Taskored [2]
- Terman [2]
- Thanium [1] [2]
- Thule [2]
- Tialvai [2]
- Tinatorn [2]
- Tion [1] [2]
- Turallun [2]
- Ulonsus [2]
- Umhul [2]
- Utavurk [1] [2]
- Vartholium [1] [2]
- Vontor (site of 3 important battles) [1] [2]
- Vynx [2]
- Xoloch [2]
- Xoraes [2]
- Xo's Eye [1] [2]
- Yutusk [1] [2]