
The GenoHaradan functioned as a clandestine bounty hunter organization, subtly influencing galactic political affairs by means of assassination.


Early history

Xim the Despot established the GenoHaradan as a type of secret police, utilizing them to eliminate his most formidable adversaries and competitors. Despite having complete authority over its operatives, Xim was ultimately defeated after only 30 years during the Third Battle of Vontor in the course of the Xim Wars. It was commonly assumed that the GenoHaradan ceased to exist with his demise, marking the conclusion of general knowledge regarding the ancient guild.

However, the GenoHaradan simply vanished from public awareness and transformed their structure. Lacking a central authority to answer to, the Guildmasters began offering their agents' services to the highest bidders, evolving into a potent assassination resource for the affluent and ambitious.

Over the centuries, the GenoHaradan underwent further gradual restructuring. The leadership recognized that certain individuals and governments were more advantageous to the guild than others, and they progressively learned to differentiate between those they offered their services to. The guild developed a sense of self-interest and evolved into an influential faction in its own right. To maintain equilibrium within this evolving identity, it was determined that leadership would be divided among four Overseers rather than a single Guildmaster.

The Galactic Republic, following the conclusion of the Tionese War, was regarded as the most advantageous entity by the GenoHaradan. The Republic's democratic system for succession provided the GenoHaradan with a stable entity to engage with, while its democratic system of representation offered a plethora of corruptible officials. Eventually, the GenoHaradan operated almost exclusively for the Republic, functioning discreetly behind the scenes and undertaking the government's clandestine tasks, often without the government's explicit awareness, all while profiting from the covert alliance. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Galactic Republic would rise to become the dominant force in the galaxy, and those few aware of the GenoHaradan would attribute this ascent almost entirely to the guild's involvement.


Vorn Daasraad on Tatooine

3,956 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, the four Overseers of the GenoHaradan consisted of Hulas, a Rodian, Vorn Daasraad, a Gamorrean, Rulan Prolik, a possible shapeshifter, and Ithorak Guldar, a Selkath. Naturally, given that all Overseers maintained the secrecy of their identities, this information remained unknown to all but Hulas. Aspiring to become the sole leader of the GenoHaradan, a position that had been vacant since the era of the Guildmasters, Hulas engaged in espionage and diligently worked to uncover the identities of his colleagues; having succeeded, he merely required a means to remove them from the equation. This opportunity arose when Calo Nord was killed by a powerful yet relatively unknown Jedi.

Unaware that this individual was the notorious Revan, Hulas extended an invitation to the mind-wiped Jedi to meet with him personally on Manaan, where he attempted to enlist Revan into the GenoHaradan. Hulas undoubtedly intended for Revan to eliminate his fellow Overseers as ordinary criminals, thereby positioning Hulas as the sole head of the GenoHaradan.

Revan declined all of Hulas's initiation bounties, considering assassination to be a morally questionable act. Hulas, unconvinced that he could identify a substitute agent capable of defeating the other three Overseers, and with Revan's refusal, his efforts to uncover their identities may have been futile.

Around 3640 BBY, the GenoHaradan made an attempt to capture the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, who was falsely accused of being the Republic's Most Wanted, capturing Torian Cadera in order to lure their target into a trap on Hoth. Despite being outnumbered, the bounty hunter swiftly managed to eliminate the entire GenoHaradan squad.

GenoHaradan was hired to assassinate the Sith Empress and the Alliance Commander.

During the latter stages of the Galactic War, the GenoHaradan informed Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh about the Hutt Cartel's recruiting of dangerous mercenaries on Darvannis. Saresh subsequently contracted the GenoHaradan to assassinate Sith Empress Darth Acina and The Outlander on Dromund Kaas as part of a failed coup to seize control of The Alliance, though both survived the attempt. The GenoHaradan remained active until at least the final decades of the Galactic Republic.

Tac-Spec Corporation, a droid manufacturing company that operated until the final centuries of the Old Republic, asserted that it originated as a front organization for the GenoHaradan. Their exclusive automata for the Republic's aristocracy, such as the FIII Footman droid, would have been ideal agents for the organization's strategy of subtly influencing Galactic politics.


The GenoHaradan placed paramount importance on secrecy, as their influence stemmed from shaping events through indirect actions. Consequently, while their bounty hunters considered themselves more proficient than their counterparts, they endeavored to remain inconspicuous and never achieved the notoriety of hunters like Calo Nord. A GenoHaradan agent's objective extended beyond merely eliminating the target; it involved ensuring that the elimination appeared to have no connection to the agent whatsoever. Given that this prevented agents from providing evidence of their success, other agents were assigned to monitor them and report their findings to superiors.

To the majority, the guild remained entirely unknown, and any attempts to expose its existence were typically dismissed as the ramblings of a delusional conspiracy theorist. The notion that the Republic had endured for so long due to a secret society maintaining its stability seemed fantastical, and the GenoHaradan relied on this skepticism to safeguard its anonymity. Nevertheless, a select few government leaders and perceptive Jedi did become aware of the GenoHaradan, which is how the guild obtained bounties—when it wasn't identifying its own targets.

As the GenoHaradan evolved into a faction with its own agenda, the authority of its Guildmaster expanded; guild leadership was evolving into more than just a facilitator between elite bounty hunters and wealthy clients. Consequently, the GenoHaradan's governing structure was reformed, with a cabal of four Overseers assuming leadership. Similar to all aspects of the GenoHaradan, the Overseer system depended on secrecy. The four Overseers would consult with one another on all guild matters, but they did so through agents and messengers to protect each Overseer's identity. In this manner, the individual ambitions of all four Overseers would theoretically counterbalance one another, ultimately serving the best interests of the GenoHaradan. The process for selecting and replacing an Overseer was intricate, requiring the preservation of each candidate's anonymity; beyond this, the specifics of the process remained undisclosed.

Behind the scenes

Hulas asserts that the GenoHaradan were established 5,000 years before the Galactic Republic (30,000 BBY), but Xim the Despot's reign only commenced at 25,130 BBY, rendering this founding year impossible unless the GenoHaradan predated Xim by thousands of years.

In a series of dark side quests in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Revan can participate in the assassination of dangerous elements to the Galactic Republic on behalf of the GenoHaradan. He was tasked with eliminating various targets on Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, and Dantooine (provided the planet had not been previously destroyed).

Revan experiences an automatic shift towards the dark side upon the death of any of his targets, irrespective of whether the target is truly evil or whether the target initiates an unprovoked attack on Revan. In the case of the shapeshifter, Revan merely needs to present evidence that he is not who he appears to be, and has in fact murdered the Wookiee hunter he is impersonating. The shapeshifter immediately attacks.

The reward for each successful hit is a powerful and advanced piece of equipment. If the player chooses to accept the assassination missions, Revan eventually learns that Hulas had manipulated him into killing the other leaders of the GenoHaradan, granting him sole control. The player then has the option to kill Hulas on Tatooine for his betrayal.

The GenoHaradan played a role in the sequel to Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, in which one chapter of the GenoHaradan was hunted down (and presumably killed) by Meetra Surik and her party on Nar Shaddaa, but it was one of the many things that were cut from the game. See Cut content from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords for more information on the cut parts of the GenoHaradan.

