
Hulas, a Rodian Overseer within the GenoHaradan, attempted to convince the Jedi Revan to join the organization during Revan's visit to Manaan.


Upon learning about Revan's accomplishments, including his confrontation with Calo Nord, Revan received a datapad directing him to meet Hulas alone on Manaan. Once there, Hulas endeavored to persuade Revan to eliminate Zuulan Sentar, the Gran, Lorgal, the Rodian, Vorn Daasraad, the Gamorrean, Rulan Prolik, the shapeshifter, and Ithorak Guldar, the Selkath.

However, Hulas neglected to inform Revan that he was one of the GenoHaradan's four leaders, and Vorn, Rulaan, and Ithorak were the other three. Their deaths would leave Hulas as the sole leader of a powerful organization, perhaps even more powerful than the Exchange, given that most sentients regarded them as merely a myth or rumor.

Revan rejected the offer, deeming the GenoHaradan's request incompatible with the Jedi Code.

Behind the scenes

Alternative dark side story

In the dark side storyline, Revan accepts Hulas' proposition.

Ultimately, when Hulas reveals his position as one of the GenoHaradan's four leaders and now its sole ruler, Revan faces two choices: either allow Hulas to depart and lead the GenoHaradan, or expose his treachery. Choosing the latter results in a challenge to single combat in the Dune Sea outside Anchorhead on Tatooine. Despite Revan arriving alone, the deceitful Hulas appears with a large contingent of GenoHaradan assassins, including J'ane Khan. In this scenario, the former Sith Lord slays Hulas and his GenoHaradan assassins on Tatooine's sands, leaving the GenoHaradan without a leader.

If Revan eliminates the remaining Overseers following his encounter on the Leviathan, Hulas' spies would be fully aware of his identity. When Revan and Hulas meet again, Hulas discloses that he knew everything, but will keep it a secret.

