Rulan Prolik

Rulan Prolik, a shapeshifter by nature, held the position of Overseer within the GenoHaradan organization during the era of the Jedi Civil War in 3956 BBY.

The identities of the GenoHaradan's four overseers were intentionally concealed from everyone, even each other; however, Overseer Hulas was able to uncover Rulan's identity. Consequently, Hulas sought to employ Revan to assassinate Rulan, alleging that Rulan was responsible for several significant assassinations throughout the Outer Rim Territories and was likely planning to move to the Core Worlds, where he would cause widespread chaos within the Galactic Senate. Prolik's life was ultimately ended when he was killed by a group of Jedi Knights.

Powers and abilities

The GenoHaradan's Overseers were shrouded in mystery, but Rulan's shapeshifting abilities distinguished him. Few individuals were aware of his role as an overseer; even fewer knew his species or the origin of his powers, whether natural or technological. His ability to perfectly mimic a target's identity was remarkable, even to the point of knowing the exact phrases they would use. Rulan could assassinate someone, assume their identity, and convincingly maintain that identity for extended periods. A strange phenomenon occurred upon his death: a blinding flash of light would occur, leaving behind only a distorted, shrunken humanoid corpse.

Rulan's shapeshifting was not just an illusion; he physically transformed into the person or creature he was mimicking. However, there were limitations to his power. While he could manifest claws or other natural weapons of the creatures he imitated, and even wield simple swords, he was unable to conjure energy weapons that his target might have used (such as a lightsaber). Furthermore, even if his target was a Jedi or Sith, he could not replicate their connection to the Force.

If Rulan was indeed a changeling, he was a remarkably powerful one, ruling out certain species as possibilities (e.g., Clawdites, who are incapable of altering their body mass). If Rulan's abilities stemmed from synthetic technology, it was of a kind that would be completely destroyed upon his death, leaving no trace behind.

Behind the scenes

If the player chooses the dark side path, Revan carries out Rulan's assassination at Hulas's request. Initially, Rulan disguises himself as a wookiee named Grarwwaar. Upon discovering a datapad, Revan learns that Grarwwaar is, in fact, deceased. When confronted with this information, Rulan attacks, first assuming the form of Jolee Bindo and then a terentatek. Realizing he was outmatched by Revan, the shapeshifter transformed into a harmless tach and attempted to hide among other tachs. In doing so, Rulan underestimated Revan's determination: the fallen Jedi had no reservations about slaughtering all the tachs in the area until Rulan was found. Rulan met his end at Revan's hand, reverting to his true form in a burst of light.

Additionally, game files indicate that Prolik was originally intended to transform into any of the player's companions, including the player character, not just Jolee. However, this feature was ultimately omitted from the final release.

