Within the Cophrigin system, a star system devoid of inhabitants situated amidst the Ash Worlds sector of the Outer Rim Territories, lay Cophrigin V, recognized as its fifth planet.
Cophrigin V, a terrestrial world, presented a landscape adorned with forested mountains and expansive grassy plains. Its seclusion within its star system drew the attention of Jedi Master An'ya Kuro, who sought its tranquil vistas and peaceful havens. Lacking any significant settlement or civilization, the planet remained detached from galactic affairs, playing a negligible role in the numerous conflicts and wars that engulfed the galaxy.
Cophrigin V, devoid of any notable sentient species, served as habitat for a species resembling simians and goat-like creatures, populating the forested hills and grassy plains, respectively. Furthermore, the planet harbored a unique flower species nearing extinction during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Discovered by the Galactic Republic sometime between 5,000 and 1,000 BBY, Cophrigin V was originally situated within territory controlled by the empire of Xim the Despot. Later, Cophrigin V fell under the dominion of the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War.

Despite its remote location, fugitive Jedi Master An'ya Kuro recalled her former meditative sanctuary and established a residence on the isolated planet, constructing an extensive garden following the dissolution of the Jedi Order and the commencement of the Great Jedi Purge. Despite the planet's insignificance, Imperial agent Mara Jade managed to locate Kuro on the planet nearly two decades after her disappearance. Emperor Palpatine, the Sith Lord who controlled the Empire, dispatched his apprentice Darth Vader to eliminate the Jedi and further drive the Order towards extinction.
Upon Vader's arrival, he swiftly located Kuro's abode, finding the Jedi Master awaiting him. Engaging in a lightsaber duel, the Sith and Jedi engaged in fierce combat, despite Kuro's advanced age. Although the Jedi Master possessed exceptional swordsmanship, Vader maintained his vigor while Kuro's pace diminished. Crushing her beneath a tree, Vader delivered a fatal blow, yet was ultimately denied a true victory. Through her command of the Force, Kuro transcended death, preserving her consciousness as her physical form vanished. Reappearing as a shadowy manifestation, Kuro reminded Vader that the light side of the Force surpassed the Sith's power and that the Order would be resurrected, despite the prevailing darkness in the galaxy.