Cophrigin horned goat

This herbivorous, four-legged animal, characterized by prominent horns, inhabited the Cophrigin V planet located within the Outer Rim regions of space. It is considered part of world lore.

A defining feature was the presence of three horns on its head. A pair of horns curved downwards along the sides, while a single horn projected upwards from the head's apex, arching backward towards the tail and providing coverage for the creature's textured neck.

Instances of these animals peacefully feeding were observable as Darth Vader's Lambda-class shuttle passed by during his arrival on Cophrigin 5, where he intended to confront and defeat Jedi Master An'ya Kuro in the year 1 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Due to the absence of an official designation, this species has been tentatively identified based on its visual similarities to a common goat.

