
Argai, a planet situated within the Cronese Mandate of the Outer Rim, held particular significance. Most notably, it served as the original home of Xim the Despot, the ancient pre-Republic conqueror, and also functioned as the initial capital city of his empire.


Argai was a cold, rocky planet, offering a rather bleak landscape characterized by scattered ruins and the captivating spectacle of the Indrexu Spiral illuminating its night sky. The planet once housed the most magnificent palace of Xim the Despot; however, through the passage of countless years, it deteriorated into nothing more than a collection of dispersed stones.

Sah Gosta existed as a settlement on this planet. From the earliest epochs of the Tion Cluster's history, the Argaians became both celebrated and infamous for their resilience as traders and their audacity as pilots, often displaying a propensity for piracy. It was generally accepted that both they and their planet had undergone minimal transformation since the era of Xim.


This planet served as the birthplace of the notorious conquerors Xim and his father, Xer VIII.

Argai was among the original planets that constituted the Kingdom of Cron. Circa 25,150 BBY, Xer expanded his dominion by conquering neighboring planets within the Cronese Mandate, thereby establishing the Kingdom of Argai. Subsequently, he triumphed over Ferece, the King of Cron, and assumed the mantle of the new King of Cron.

In 25,130 BBY, Xim ascended to power on Argai, where he constructed one of his palaces. He designated Argai as the capital of his empire and the location of the first of his throne worlds. He extended his dominion from the Radama Void to the boundaries of Hutt Space, assuming the ancient Rakatan title Daritha. Following Xim's passing, his Empire fragmented into warring factions. Argai was then incorporated into the Jaminere Marches.

Eventually, both the planet and the Tion Cluster became part of the Republic. During the Republic's twilight years, the Tion Cluster planets aligned themselves with the Separatists, later becoming members of the Galactic Empire.

