The Kingdom of Cron was a territory situated within the Tion Cluster. During the reign of Xer VIII, the pirate progenitor of Xim the Despot, it gained the alternate designation of Xer's Empire. The seat of power for the Kingdom of Cron was the capital city of Chandaar.
The government presiding over the Tion Cluster region, which subsequently became known as the Cronese Mandate, was the Kingdom of Cron. The King of Cron governed from the capital world of Chandaar. Its most important planets lay along the Greater Cronese Arc.

Around 25,150 BBY, Xer VIII, a pirate, initiated a swift expansion from his homeworld of Argai, thereby establishing the Kingdom of Argai within the larger Kingdom of Cron. Ferece, the King of Cron, summoned Xer to Chandaar, the Kingdom of Cron's capital. Ferece attempted to convince Xer to pledge allegiance in exchange for several noble titles, and Xer vowed to return within a month bearing a suitable tribute. However, Xer instead orchestrated an attack on Chandaar, compelling Ferece and his retinue to flee. With Ferece gone, Xer took the position of the new King of Cron.

Upon becoming the new King of Cron, Xer VIII initiated numerous campaigns to enlarge his dominion. He successfully subdued the Three Allied Kingdoms and the Back Spiral. Nevertheless, he failed to conquer the Livien League, the sole region of the Tion Cluster that remained outside his authority. Around 25,130 BBY, close to the end of Xer's rule, the Kingdom of Cron was divided into three regions, closely resembling the three future Imperial sectors, one of which encompassed the original Kingdom of Cron.

Subsequently, his son Xim the Despot leveraged the Kingdom of Cron as a foundation for an even more extensive empire, beginning with the conquest of the Livien League, and his governance soon extended from the Radama Void to Hutt Space. Throughout that time, Chandaar remained the kingdom's capital, while Argai became the empire's capital.

Following Xim's defeat at the Third Battle of Vontor in 25,096 BBY, his empire rapidly disintegrated, and new nations promptly arose from the empire's former territories. The Kingdom of Cron regained its independence, but its territory was significantly reduced, resembling the original kingdom's size.
Around 24,000 BBY, the Tion Cluster and the Kingdom of Cron became part of the Galactic Republic. In the Republic's later years, the Tion Cluster aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this period, the Tion Cluster was divided between the Kingdom of Cron and a larger entity known as the Tion Hegemony.

After the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire partitioned the Tion Cluster into three sectors. The Kingdom of Cron was restructured into the Cronese Mandate, a sector that closely resembled the historical kingdom and encompassed the fourteen densely populated planets of the former Kingdom of Cron.

- Algor [1]
- Arcan IV [1]
- Argai [1]
- Barancar [1]
- Barseg [1]
- Brigia [1]
- Cadinth (province capital) [1]
- Caluula [1]
- Chandaar (capital of the Kingdom of Cron) [1]
- Corlass [1]
- Corlax 4 [1]
- Dravione [1]
- Duinarbulon [1]
- Eibon [1]
- Eredenn Prime [1]
- Jaminere [1]
- Janilis VII [1]
- Lianna [1]
- Nuswatta [1]
- Panna [1]
- Pasmin [1]
- Raxus Prime (province capital) [1]
- Rudrig [1]
- Soruus [1]
- Tion [1]

- Algor [1]
- Amarin [1]
- Arcan IV [1]
- Argai (First Throne of Xim's empire) [1]
- Barancar [1]
- Barseg [1]
- Brigia [1]
- Cadinth (Third Throne of Xim's empire) [1]
- Caluula [1]
- Chandaar (Second Throne of Xim's empire) [1]
- Corlass [1]
- Corlax 4 [1]
- Derellium [3]
- Desevro (Fourth Throne of Xim's empire) [1]
- Dravione [1]
- Duinarbulon [1]
- Eibon [1]
- Eredenn Prime [1]
- Jaminere [1]
- Janilis VII [1]
- Jhantoria [1]
- Kanaver [1]
- Lianna [1]
- Livien [1]
- Lorrad [1]
- Nuswatta [1]
- Panna [1]
- Pasmin [1]
- Raxus Prime [1]
- Rudrig [1]
- Soruus [1]
- Tion [1]
The Essential Atlas mistakenly places the formation of Xer's Empire around 25,120 BBY, a decade following Xim's ascension to the throne.