The clash known as the Battle of Jhantoria saw the military might of the Xer's Empire, commanded by Xim, face off against the forces of the Livien League. This conflict occurred on the planet of Jhantoria, and culminated in a clear triumph for Xim's forces.
After King Xer stepped down from his position on Raxus Prime, his heir Xim ascended to the throne of Xer's Empire, encompassing nearly the entirety of the Tion Cluster. The only entity that resisted his dominion was the Livien League. Xim wasted no time in dispatching his armies to Jhantoria, where they decisively defeated the Livien League. His next target was Desevro, intending to destroy it, but he was convinced otherwise by the planet's military leader, Maslovar Tiatiov. Tiatiov guided Xim through Desevro's military training facilities and demonstrated the effectiveness of the planet's administrative systems. Xim was so impressed that he chose to spare the Desevars, refraining from using them as a warning to others who defied his father. With Desevro becoming the fourth Throne, the Cluster was unified under a single ruler, and Xer's empire transitioned into Xim's empire.