Jhantoria, the place of origin for the famed Jhantorian wine, was a planet. Its location was in the Jhantoria system. This system was found inside the Allied Tion sector, which itself was a part of the Tion Cluster. All of this was positioned in the Trans-Hydian region of the Outer Rim Territories. In the year 25,130 BBY, this astronomical body was within the boundaries of the Livien League, a confederation of worlds. Around that year, King Xim of the Kingdom of Cron's forces defeated the Livien League's forces at Jhantoria.
Jason Fry introduced Jhantoria in his "Xim Week: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster" article, which was published on StarWars.com's Hyperspace section on December 7, 2009. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published on August 18, 2009, pinpointed the Jhantoria system, and therefore Jhantoria itself, within grid square S-6.