
Nuswatta, located within the Tion Cluster of the Outer Rim Territories, was a planet.


Nuswatta's early history saw it governed as a theocracy. Hierophants, operating from the High Fane of Xo, held power and practiced ritual sacrifice. As one of the original worlds constituting the Kingdom of Cron, Nuswatta was violently conquered by Xim the Despot and subsequently integrated into his empire. It was on Nuswatta that Xim constructed the renowned Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta, a luxurious retreat for royalty that later earned recognition as one of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy.

Following the collapse of Xim's empire in 25,100 BBY, the hierophants of Xo abandoned the planet. They established a new stronghold, intending to await the final conflict between Humans and Hutts. This battle, they believed, would bring about the end of time and the Perfection of Xo. The Tionese never received further communication from them. The Forbidden Gardens gradually deteriorated, and while officially restricted to Cronese visitors, most Human tourists could bribe local guides for access.

Eventually, Nuswatta became part of the Galactic Republic. The world continued to prosper, later joining the Cronese Mandate following the rise of the Galactic Empire. Notably, the planet exhibited intolerance towards Non-Humans. Despite this prejudice, Jabba Desilijic Tiure once managed to visit the Forbidden Gardens.

