Keldrath Alignment

The Keldrath Alignment emerged as one of the warring factions in the Tion Cluster following the collapse of Xim's empire, approximately one hundred years after his demise. Xim's empire initially encountered this region around 25,100 BBY during its period of expansion.

Its existence ceased when the Republic incorporated the cluster. Thousands of years later, it was re-established in the same geographical location as the Keldrath sector, after the Galactic Empire divided the Tion Hegemony into several sectors.

Mullan and Gbu were among its more significant planets.


  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (Initial mention)
  • The New Essential Chronology (Mentioned indirectly)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. III ("Xim the Despot")
  • Essential Atlas Extra: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster on (article) (archived link)
  • The Written Word on Hyperspace (article) (outdated content and no archived link) (Indirectly referenced)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (Referenced indirectly)

Notes and references
